Hey, sorry bloggers. Sorry we're so procastinatical. (is that a word?) before, I said you would see a lot of movement on the blog. well, I'll come straight out and tell you now. I LIED.=(
I'm not proud of it or anything, but I just really didn't know.
Well now that I've confessed, I have to release some sensitive info.
First: I'm pretty close to done with a football highlight reel that some of my 8th grader buddies have been begging me to do. Second: I think I might be almost done with a short quirky video (aren't all of our videos short and quirky?) that stars yours truly and his buddy, Nielsen. Third: I might ALSO be almost be done with another short quirky video starring, again, Nielsen and I. But this time we add Nielsen's brother to the mix. And that's all. Hopefully you won't have to wait as long for another post, but don't get your hopes up.=) Have a nice day! -Taylor
TNT Cover
I know, right! Turned out a lot better than my gimp'd up preview. Unfortunately, blogger is not very capable of fitting the awesomeness into our blog size, so click to see more!
The effects were made by Taylor in After Effects. These are just a taste of what's going to be in our epic movies. This may also be a reason to like us on facebook (please?): Firestorm Movie Productions, TNT Visual Effects Company, and Fantast!c Music Videos.
And possibly, if you are in a good mood... follow the blog, and subscribe by email? It would mean a lot to me. Have a good day!
The effects were made by Taylor in After Effects. These are just a taste of what's going to be in our epic movies. This may also be a reason to like us on facebook (please?): Firestorm Movie Productions, TNT Visual Effects Company, and Fantast!c Music Videos.
And possibly, if you are in a good mood... follow the blog, and subscribe by email? It would mean a lot to me. Have a good day!
A little preview of the facebook cover for our self-named visual fx company, TNT Visual Effects Company. Gonna be schveet.
Baking The Darn Cake
So, once again long time no see. Me and my brother's work has been going really slowly. Me and him were just "Discussing"(arguing) and he brought up something that really made me think. I was saying that I'm a big part of our movie studio; that I do all the effects and color correction which really make movies good and important. (They do.) but he told me:"Taylor, it's like baking a cake. I'm the one that puts all the ingredients together and"-- Then I interrupted him by blurting out:"And I'm the one that does all the icing." Then it hit me. that's almost exactly what filmaking is. Baking a cake. Pre-production is like shopping at the store for all the ingredients. Once your done shopping, if you've gotten really good quality ingredients, it makes for a really good cake. Then comes the actual filming process. It's like putting together the ingredients for the cake; and every time you add an ingredient, you know the thing is just going to be tasty when you're done. Then comes the Post-production. That's when your cake is being baked. The cake is almost done but there is one VERY Important thing thing left. If this VERY Important thing is left out, The cake will look ugly and nobody will want to eat it. This VERY Important thing is the ICING. That's my job. I create all the color correction for the shots. I create all the visual effects and I'M the one that completes the cake. SO, that's what this lame post is all about. Baking a cake. but anyways, that's what it is. The shopping, the putting together and the baking and icing. the Pre-production, the filming, and the Post-production. So anyways, I know that by now most of you are either sleeping or thinking:"What the heck is wrong with this kid?" I don't care. This whole baking a cake metaphor could also be done with the feeding process of fat hippos but I don't know......
- Taylor
- Taylor
An update and some important stuff...
Hey, long time no see. I know, I know, I promised some movies. Well, we're going to get a jump on those real soon, just gotta give our VFX man some 'persuasion' after a little vacation.
But seriously though, a lot has been happening. The main thing is summer. Places to go, people to meet! Secondly, our family has been moved to a little dam in The Middle Of Nowhere. Dad works for Idaho Power, dontcha know. So, we're getting headquarters all settled in, and I hope to get some pictures up, just as soon as I get my desk from storage at my grandma's house.
So my brother was away at a camp this whole entire week. No VFX guy, no VFX movies. Basically all I've been doing is sitting around on my tush. Believe me, I'm not proud of it. With nothing going on, I've been thinking about this whole project and what it means to me. I just have doubts in my mind about success and popularity and stuff. One thing I've been wanted us to be is a 'clean' movie studio. You know, awesome movies, but clean. But even with that noble quality, I still didn't know what I wanted Firestorm itself to be.
Then, one day, I was browsing around Glenn Beck's site, checking out the latest developments in his awesome plan to Restore Love in America. I'm not preaching for this guy or anything, I just think he's a really neat man who is sincerely trying to help us save our broken country.
So, watching these three video highlights from his show, he introduced part four of his 4-step plan to change ourselves in order to change the world. This plan includes:
1. Commit. Before you can stand up for what you believe in, you have to know what you believe in. Commit and be responsible for your actions.
2. Activate. Get others and yourself involved in the cause.
3. Live it. Be the person God wants you to be. Live your principles and stand for what is right.
Mr. Beck then commences his introduction to the 4th step: Create. He tells of the many inventions that made this country great, and how our modern technology came about because someone thought, there's a better way to do this.
He points out that as our style of living has progressed, our morals have digressed.
He explains it much more eloquently in his monologue. Please take the time to watch and listen! He makes some very good points that are not so much political as they are truthful! You won't regret the time.
As I was watching these videos, it hit me. This is what I can do. This is what I can use this studio, or what-have-you, for. America needs something clean to boost its spirits. If I'm going to be a creator, I'm not going to create junk. I'm going to use my talents to make some good.
And now, here we go.
Star Warz I
So, we made this movie a long time ago after we downloaded a demo version of FXhome.
Yeah, FXhome.
I had been searching so long and so hard for a program that could add gunfire, lasers, explosions, lightsabers, and all that good stuff into movies. Not to mention I had a budget of like zero dollars, so I needed to stay within that price range. That can be a hard thing to do, let me tell you.
So I found this little product called FXhome, which is made by some company in Britain, and they had this nice site with a little box office where people showed their movies they had edited with the program and a ton of awesome stuff like that. Only one problem: the price said, 'only $149'.
To quote Jaxson, "That's like saying, 'it's only a gorilla.' "
Luckily for us, they offered a demo version which had all the features but rendered the video with a big ugly watermark. But hey, free software is free software, right?
So we download this onto our old laptop, kind of figure out how all the options work, and then say, "Hey! Let's make a movie with lightsabers!"
And the rest is history. Except for now we edit our movies with the Adobe CS5.5 Suite, which we are using to add new lightsabers. We will release that version soon!
New Crew Member!
Hello there, everyone. My name is Billy Bello, and I am the new plot writer of Firestorm Movie Productions. Basically, that means that I create new and original ideas for future movies. Because all good movies need a good plot, right?
Anyways, I'm thirteen years old, and pride myself in being extremely literate. Seriously. That's about the one thing I can take credit for in anything. Hopefully we'll get some new videos up, so you guys won't be bored. I would just like to thank you for taking the time to read this. Have a nice day! - Billy
Why don't you take a look at some things we have to offer?
Profiles ||| Movies ||| Youtube Channel
Anyways, I'm thirteen years old, and pride myself in being extremely literate. Seriously. That's about the one thing I can take credit for in anything. Hopefully we'll get some new videos up, so you guys won't be bored. I would just like to thank you for taking the time to read this. Have a nice day! - Billy
Profiles ||| Movies ||| Youtube Channel
Well, We're officially moving. My Dad got the operator job at the C.J. Strike Power plant, which is in Grand View, which is near Mountain Home, which is near Boise. We're all very sad to leave Hagerman, but it's probably for the best.
- Taylor
- Taylor
Hello there, this is Taylor. Torsten told me to create my own introduction thing on this blog, so here goes.
My name is Taylor Pearson, as I said before, and I am the special effects editor for Firestorm Movie Productions. My other positions for the company include Actor and Producer, but being the "effects guy" is the thing that I'm best at. I am thirteen years old, and probably the most advanced special effects editor (for my age) in the world. No kidding. (kidding) (kind of) anyways, pretty soon, you'll see lots of movement around the blog. I am going to post some of the videos that I've made, just to show you that I am not bragging. So, by the time you read this, you probably think that I'm a weirdo. And that might be true. but anyways, take a look around the blog. You might see some cool stuff. Take a look at Video Copilot, The absotively posilutely best place in the internet world for effects. They have LOTS of extremely fun tutorials, and lots of amazing products like, Action Essentials 2, (I bought that one) Pro Scores, and Optical Flares, Just to name a few. The guy at Video Copilot, Andrew Kramer, is really fun and creative with everything he does. So, thanks for checking out the blog, and the videos if you have. Again, take a look around the blog, take a look at our YouTube Channel, have fun.. and.. yeah....
- Taylor
My name is Taylor Pearson, as I said before, and I am the special effects editor for Firestorm Movie Productions. My other positions for the company include Actor and Producer, but being the "effects guy" is the thing that I'm best at. I am thirteen years old, and probably the most advanced special effects editor (for my age) in the world. No kidding. (kidding) (kind of) anyways, pretty soon, you'll see lots of movement around the blog. I am going to post some of the videos that I've made, just to show you that I am not bragging. So, by the time you read this, you probably think that I'm a weirdo. And that might be true. but anyways, take a look around the blog. You might see some cool stuff. Take a look at Video Copilot, The absotively posilutely best place in the internet world for effects. They have LOTS of extremely fun tutorials, and lots of amazing products like, Action Essentials 2, (I bought that one) Pro Scores, and Optical Flares, Just to name a few. The guy at Video Copilot, Andrew Kramer, is really fun and creative with everything he does. So, thanks for checking out the blog, and the videos if you have. Again, take a look around the blog, take a look at our YouTube Channel, have fun.. and.. yeah....
- Taylor
TRAMP: The Trampoline Files
This is it- the oldest movie we made that I can find on our computer. We shot this a long time ago at our old house at Shoshone Falls. We had a pretty peaceful life down there. That is, until my brother was born and now our quiet life is gone FOREVER.
Just kidding. Serious about the peaceful life, though.
So, back then, all we had was a camera and some ideas. Which is pretty much the same as now, except that back then we were pretty amateurish in getting our movies made. We were Sushi Movies... another one of those great studio names I came up with. I wasn't relatively new to Windows Movie Maker, but then, it was Windows Movie Maker. I was ready to create a YouTube channel and was seriously trying to figure out how to launch a site where people would come to watch these movies.
Looking back, I'm wondering why I was so serious about this.
Anyway, I present to you TRAMP: The Trampoline Files with music by 5 for Fighting(sic). Not quite sure what year this was, though I'm thinkin' sometime in 2008.
Just something to tide you over until we get our Star Warz movies ready.
Just kidding. Serious about the peaceful life, though.
So, back then, all we had was a camera and some ideas. Which is pretty much the same as now, except that back then we were pretty amateurish in getting our movies made. We were Sushi Movies... another one of those great studio names I came up with. I wasn't relatively new to Windows Movie Maker, but then, it was Windows Movie Maker. I was ready to create a YouTube channel and was seriously trying to figure out how to launch a site where people would come to watch these movies.
Looking back, I'm wondering why I was so serious about this.
Anyway, I present to you TRAMP: The Trampoline Files with music by 5 for Fighting(sic). Not quite sure what year this was, though I'm thinkin' sometime in 2008.
Just something to tide you over until we get our Star Warz movies ready.
Firestorm Photo Shoot - March 2012
Today Taylor and I went out to shoot some pictures of ourselves to put on our pizzazz-lacking profiles. I think they turned out pretty good. Amazing what a little contrast and some touching-up can do to a picture.
I just noticed none of the pictures I chose had me smiling in them. I'm a smiler, but I just can't fake it for a picture.

I just noticed none of the pictures I chose had me smiling in them. I'm a smiler, but I just can't fake it for a picture.
Hey, there. This is the OFFICIAL webpage and blog of FIRESTORM MOVIE PRODUCTIONS, or Firestorm for short. Here you can find official news, videos, photos, and info about us and our various projects.
First, a little bit about myself. My name is Torsten. I am the main founder of, and director under, the aforementioned movie studio. I am sixteen years old, and like to make movies. I also like writing stories and stuff for my movies. Well, more like I think up a plot and some characters, and a couple of actions scenes and parts of dialogue, but I can't get a whole story down on paper. Maybe writing isn't my finer point. But I'm hoping to get a writer soon...
I also like to read. Fiction, nonfiction, picture books, bios, anything interesting. I like to draw, and I'm into graphic design. I like music, and I have a wide variety of taste ranging from oldies to modern, a little dabble in country, instrumental, and mainly good songs. I play piano, and I'm really trying to get into writing music, but that hasn't worked out so far.
I'm also homeschooled. Yeah, I know, I know. The socially inept thing. Whatever.
Anyways, Firestorm is one big company with little sections focused on short and experimental films (Electric Short Film Productions) and, very soon, music videos (Fantast!c). You would not believe how many names we went through before settling on this (we being my brother and friends who act in the movies). Bravo Studios, Paradox Projects (I really liked that one), Solar Wind... you get it. We wanted something abstract and creative, but something that would fit any genre of movie. That's why Paradox got nixed; and Bravo Studios, well, that was a friend's studio.
So, if you stay tuned, you will learn more stuff about us who we are and what we do. And that's make movies.
First, a little bit about myself. My name is Torsten. I am the main founder of, and director under, the aforementioned movie studio. I am sixteen years old, and like to make movies. I also like writing stories and stuff for my movies. Well, more like I think up a plot and some characters, and a couple of actions scenes and parts of dialogue, but I can't get a whole story down on paper. Maybe writing isn't my finer point. But I'm hoping to get a writer soon...
I also like to read. Fiction, nonfiction, picture books, bios, anything interesting. I like to draw, and I'm into graphic design. I like music, and I have a wide variety of taste ranging from oldies to modern, a little dabble in country, instrumental, and mainly good songs. I play piano, and I'm really trying to get into writing music, but that hasn't worked out so far.
I'm also homeschooled. Yeah, I know, I know. The socially inept thing. Whatever.
Anyways, Firestorm is one big company with little sections focused on short and experimental films (Electric Short Film Productions) and, very soon, music videos (Fantast!c). You would not believe how many names we went through before settling on this (we being my brother and friends who act in the movies). Bravo Studios, Paradox Projects (I really liked that one), Solar Wind... you get it. We wanted something abstract and creative, but something that would fit any genre of movie. That's why Paradox got nixed; and Bravo Studios, well, that was a friend's studio.
So, if you stay tuned, you will learn more stuff about us who we are and what we do. And that's make movies.
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